Bristlecone Therapy


AAMFT-Approved Supervision

Bristlecone Therapy offers both individual and group supervision of therapists' clinical work. This service is available to both seasoned clinicians as well as those in the midst of pursuing licensure.

Supervision at BCT is credentialed by the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.

Style of Supervision

At Bristlecone we believe in the importance of supporting supervisees to grow more and more toward becoming whole people—people who have wide windows of tolerance for clients’ distress, who can give to clients without expecting accolades in return, who love their clients lavishly, who do not use clients to meet their own emotional needs, who know where they end and where their clients begin.

It is to this grand end that we focus our supervisory energies at BCT. Thus, in supervision we:

+ Explore self-of-the-therapist considerations;
+ Engage in experiential exercises related to both personal and professional development; and 
+ Seek to expand the boundaries of what kinds of healing spaces therapists are able to create for their clients.

Clinical Supervision

This service is available to therapists who are either provisionally or fully licensed and who are seeking to expand their perspectives on their own clinical work. This service is a supplement to any other supervision a therapist may be receiving. 

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Supervision Mentoring

This is a service offered to LMFTs or ALMFTs in the process of becoming AAMFT-approved supervisors and who need supervision of the supervision they conduct with their supervisees. This is a not a service which offers feedback regarding one's own clinical work.

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